0 |
WALL PLUG 6MM X 30 NYLON Potterton part no. 630796 |
£2.16 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
OBSOLETE 0.5 METRE FLUE EXT/N.KIT Potterton part no. 430092 |
0 |
OBSOLETE 0.5 METRE FLUE EXT. Potterton part no. 430093 |
0 |
OBSOLETE TERMINAL GUARD Potterton part no. 236591 |
0 |
OBSOLETE FLOW RET D.F.SENSOR LEAD Potterton part no. 236486 |
0 |
OBSOLETE BOILER PACK (UK) - 80 NG Potterton part no. 236009 |
0 |
OBSOLETE BOILER PACK (UK) - 60 NG Potterton part no. 236008 |
0 |
OBSOLETE BOILER PACK (UK) - 30 NG Potterton part no. 236005 |
0 |
OBSOLETE BOILER PACK (UK) - 40 NG Potterton part no. 236006 |
0 |
OBSOLETE HORIZONTAL FLUE SYSTEM Potterton part no. 236346 |
0 |
OBSOLETE VERTICAL FLUE SYSTEM Potterton part no. 236348 |
0 |
OBSOLETE WALL PLATE PACK ASSY. Potterton part no. 236349 |
0 |
OBSOLETE PITCHED ROOF FLASHING KIT Potterton part no. 430081 |
0 |
OBSOLETE FLAT ROOF FLASHING KIT Potterton part no. 430080 |
0 |
OBSOLETE 1 METRE FLUE EXT/N.KIT Potterton part no. 430085 |
0 |
OBSOLETE VERTICAL FLUE KIT Potterton part no. 430083 |
0 |
OBSOLETE 1 METRE FLUE EXTENSION Potterton part no. 430059 |
0 |
OBSOLETE WALL PLATE Potterton part no. 430063 |
0 |
OBSOLETE SILICONE SEAL Potterton part no. 430064 |
0 |
OBSOLETE CLIP FOR FLUE EXTENSION Potterton part no. 430060 |
0 |
SCREW NO8X25 WDRND SLT S Potterton part no. 613702 |
£3.02 |
0 |
OBSOLETE BOILER PACK (UK) - 50 NG Potterton part no. 236007 |
0 |
OBSOLETE KIT TENSION Potterton part no. 236484 |
0 |
OBSOLETE SCREW PACK ENVOY UK Potterton part no. 236584 |
0 |
OBSOLETE INSTALLATION TEMPLATE Potterton part no. 236583 |
0 |
OBSOLETE PACK B FLUE ELBOW Potterton part no. 236588 |
0 |
OBSOLETE PACK C NUT & OLIVE Potterton part no. 236589 |
0 |
OBSOLETE PACK A MOUNTING PLATE Potterton part no. 236587 |
0 |
OBSOLETE PANEL SWITCH LEAD UK Potterton part no. 236492 |
0 |
OBSOLETE FAN/CASE TEMP.SENSOR LOOM Potterton part no. 236489 |
0 |
COMPOUND T Potterton part no. 907212 |
1 |
OBSOLETE DECORATIVE CASING PACK Potterton part no. 236345 |
2 |
OBSOLETE DEC.PANEL RIVET ASSY.RH. Potterton part no. 236373 |
3 |
OBSOLETE DEC.PANEL RIVET ASSY.LH. Potterton part no. 236374 |
4 |
OBSOLETE DEC.PANEL BASE PAINT ASSY Potterton part no. 236403 |
5 |
OBSOLETE CHRONOTHERM 1 DAY T6641A1146 Potterton part no. 236254 |
6 |
OBSOLETE EXTRUSION - CASE FRONT R.H. Potterton part no. 236471 |
7 |
OBSOLETE MAGNET Potterton part no. 630848 |
8 |
OBSOLETE END CAP TOP PAINTED Potterton part no. 236469 |
9 |
OBSOLETE END CAP BOTTOM PAINTED Potterton part no. 236470 |
10 |
SCREW N0.8X12MM NIBBED Potterton part no. 613439 |
£1.98 |
12 |
OBSOLETE BALL STUD M5 Potterton part no. 630177 |
13 |
OBSOLETE WASHER S/P M5 EXT TEETH Potterton part no. 617418 |
14 |
NUT FULL M5 SN Potterton part no. 635404 |
£3.12 |
16 |
OBSOLETE FACIA LABEL LONG Potterton part no. 236525 |
20 |
OBSOLETE SCREW NO.6 X 5/8 S/DR. Potterton part no. 612862 |
21 |
OBSOLETE 1 METRE STD FLUE SYSTEM Potterton part no. 430058 |
22 |
OBSOLETE O RING Potterton part no. 401655 |
23 |
SCREW M5X15MM DOG POINT Potterton part no. 633911 |
£2.76 |
24 |
WASHER FORM C M5 SN Potterton part no. 617164 |
£3.12 |
25 |
OBSOLETE FLUE ELBOW SEAL ASSY. Potterton part no. 236596 |
26 |
OBSOLETE 60MM FLUE SEAL Potterton part no. 430061 |
27 |
OBSOLETE 100MM FLUE SEAL Potterton part no. 430062 |
28 |
OBSOLETE FLUE ELBOW GASKET Potterton part no. 236211 |
29 |
SCREW M6 X 15MM DOG POINT Potterton part no. 633912 |
£3.16 |
30 |
OBSOLETE SCREW RETAINING WASHER Potterton part no. 200548 |
31 |
OBSOLETE INNER WRAP COVER ASSEMBLY Potterton part no. 236240 |
32 |
SIGHT GLASS Potterton part no. 236114 |
£4.39 |
33 |
OBSOLETE SIGHT GLASS GASKET Potterton part no. 236115 |
34 |
OBSOLETE SIGHT GLASS RETAINER Potterton part no. 236084 |
35 |
SCREW M5X12 MCPAN POZ SN Potterton part no. 633950 |
£3.16 |
36 |
OBSOLETE SILICONE SPONGE STRIP Potterton part no. 650684 |
37 |
OBSOLETE SCREW M6 X 20MM HEX.POSI Potterton part no. 670201 |
38 |
NOW USE 236226POT CLAMPING ANGLE/CLIP ASSY. Potterton part no. 236226 |
38 |
CLAMPING ANGLE/CLIP ASSY. Potterton part no. 236226POT |
£17.66 |
39 |
OBSOLETE KIT PANEL TOP GF2 Potterton part no. 236338 |
40 |
NOW USE 062727 SCREW M5X8 MCPAN POZ SZ Potterton part no. 670008 |
40 |
SCR-SET-M5X8MM-PAN POZI ZNPD Potterton part no. 062727 |
£3.06 |
41 |
OBSOLETE CROSS STRAP Potterton part no. 236169 |
42 |
SCREW PAN POZI M6X10 MS NP Potterton part no. 633978 |
£3.16 |
43 |
PIPE PILOT FEED - ASSEMBLY Potterton part no. 236197 |
43 |
OBSOLETE HEAT EXCH.BRKT.S/W/A L.H. Potterton part no. 236198 |
43 |
PIPE PILOT FEED - ASSEMBLY Potterton part no. 236197BAX |
44 |
SCREW M4X8 TTPAN POZ SZ Potterton part no. 607940 |
£2.40 |
45 |
NITRILE WASHER 24OD 17ID Potterton part no. 300505 |
£1.98 |
46 |
HOSE CLIP ENVOY Potterton part no. 630852 |
£3.83 |
47 |
OBSOLETE PIPE PILOT FEED - ASSEMBLY Potterton part no. 236185 |
48 |
LOCKNUT 1" BSP Potterton part no. 625987 |
£4.20 |
49 |
OBSOLETE SYPHON OUTLET SEAL/G.RING Potterton part no. 630842 |
50 |
OBSOLETE UNION NUT 1INCH BSP PLASTIC Potterton part no. 630841 |
50 |
NOW USE 247015BAX PLASTIC BLANKING PLUG ENVOY, Potterton part no. 630853 |
50 |
KIT-CONDENSE TRAP PLUG/WASHER Potterton part no. 247015BAX |
£11.22 |
51 |
OBSOLETE Potterton part no. 630843 |
52 |
OBSOLETE SCREW NO.6 X 6.5 Potterton part no. 670045 |
53 |
THERMISTOR Potterton part no. 404513 |
£20.92 |
54 |
SCREW M4X8 MCPAN POZ SZ Potterton part no. 633968 |
£3.16 |
55 |
OBSOLETE TRIM CANOPY Potterton part no. 230082 |
55 |
OBSOLETE TRIM CANOPY Potterton part no. 230082BAX |
57 |
OBSOLETE WALL PLATE BUSH ASSY. Potterton part no. 236655 |
58 |
OBSOLETE SCREWNO12X50 WDCSK SLT SZ Potterton part no. 613707 |
59 |
OBSOLETE WALL PLUG FOR NO 12 SCREW Potterton part no. 630771 |
60 |
OBSOLETE CONTROL BOX TRAY ASSY Potterton part no. 236592 |
61 |
SCREW 3.5DIAX18MM PAN.POS Potterton part no. 613440 |
62 |
OBSOLETE TERMINAL BLOCK 8 WAY Potterton part no. 640913 |
62 |
OBSOLETE CUST.CON.LOOM LESS PROG Potterton part no. 236642 |
63 |
OBSOLETE TERMINAL BLOCK LABEL Potterton part no. 236585 |
64 |
OBSOLETE CORD GRIP BUSH Potterton part no. 640869 |
65 |
OBSOLETE LOCKNUT Potterton part no. 640870 |
66 |
OBSOLETE CABLE TIE 100MM LONG Potterton part no. 640837 |
68 |
SCREW M4 X 10MM PAN.POSI Potterton part no. 633942 |
£3.26 |
69 |
OBSOLETE SILICONE SPONGE STRIP Potterton part no. 650685 |
70 |
OBSOLETE ENVOY CONTROL FINAL ASSY Potterton part no. 407734 |
71 |
OBSOLETE SWITCH Potterton part no. 642224 |
72 |
NOW USE 160036 FUSE T3A ENVOY Potterton part no. 933005 |
72 |
FUSE 3.15AT Potterton part no. 160036 |
£5.78 |
100 |
OBSOLETE FLUE HOOD/ELBOW SEAL.RING Potterton part no. 236139 |
101 |
OBSOLETE LOCKNUT M.28 ENVOY Potterton part no. 625974 |
102 |
NOW USE 236220POT FLUE HOOD ASSEMBLY Potterton part no. 236220 |
102 |
FLUE HOOD ASSEMBLY Potterton part no. 236220POT |
£78.51 |
103 |
OBSOLETE SCREW M8 X 10 PLASTIC Potterton part no. 630840 |
£2.60 |
104 |
OBSOLETE O RING SEAL Potterton part no. 401651 |
105 |
106 |
HEAT EXCH.ASSY.ENVOY Potterton part no. 236901 |
£710.10 |
106 |
NOW USE 236901 HEAT EXCHANGER ASSEMBLY 30 60 Potterton part no. 236019 |
107 |
BURNER PILOT SENSING Potterton part no. 236204 |
107 |
BURNER PILOT SENSING Potterton part no. 236204BAX |
108 |
OBSOLETE END CAP 1/4INCHBSP GF300 Potterton part no. 629500 |
109 |
NOW USE 043081 OLIVE 22MM DIA Potterton part no. 625884 |
109 |
OLIVE-BRASS-22MM-CONEX Potterton part no. 043081 |
£3.19 |
111 |
OBSOLETE LEG ASSEMBLY LH Potterton part no. 236045 |
112 |
OBSOLETE LEG ASSEMBLY RH Potterton part no. 236046 |
113 |
OBSOLETE M28 TO 3/4INBSP CONNECTOR Potterton part no. 625968 |
114 |
NUT FULL M8 SN Potterton part no. 635415 |
£5.46 |
115 |
WASHER FROM A M8 SN Potterton part no. 617158 |
£2.26 |
116 |
OBSOLETE STUD M8 X 34 Potterton part no. 236162 |
117 |
OBSOLETE STUD M8 X 42 Potterton part no. 236163 |
118 |
OBSOLETE H/EXCHANGER COVER PLATE Potterton part no. 225094 |
119 |
OBSOLETE H/EXCH.COVER PLATE GASK. Potterton part no. 225095 |
122 |
OBSOLETE COMB.CHBR/SUMP ASSY 50 Potterton part no. 236223POT |
£580.35 |
122 |
COMB.CHBR/SUMP ASSY 60 Potterton part no. 236224POT |
£526.53 |
122 |
COMB.CHBR/SUMP ASSY 30 Potterton part no. 236221 |
£508.27 |
122 |
COMB.CHBR/SUMP ASSY 80 Potterton part no. 236225 |
£502.51 |
122 |
NOW USE 236224POT COMB.CHBR/SUMP ASSY 60 Potterton part no. 236224 |
122 |
COMB.CHBR/SUMP ASSY 40 Potterton part no. 236222 |
£542.32 |
122 |
OBSOLETE COMB.CHBR/SUMP ASSY 50 Potterton part no. 236223 |
123 |
COMB.CHBR/SUMP SIL.SEAL. Potterton part no. 236123 |
£18.29 |
124 |
COMB.CHBR.INSUL FRONT Potterton part no. 236118 |
124 |
COMB.CHBR.INSUL.FRONT D Potterton part no. 245046 |
125 |
COMB.CHBR.INSUL.REAR D Potterton part no. 245040 |
125 |
COMB.CHBR.INSUL REAR Potterton part no. 236116 |
126 |
COMB.CHBR.INSUL R.HAND Potterton part no. 236119 |
126 |
COMB.CHBR.INSUL.RH. D Potterton part no. 245044 |
127 |
129 |
OBSOLETE BRNR FURIGAS METAL FIBRE Potterton part no. 414727 |
129 |
OBSOLETE BRNR FURIGAS METAL FIBRE Potterton part no. 414731 |
129 |
BRNR FURIGAS METAL FIBRE Potterton part no. 414729 |
£213.03 |
129 |
OBSOLETE BRNR FURIGAS METAL FIBRE Potterton part no. 414728 |
129 |
OBSOLETE BRNR FURIGAS METAL FIBRE Potterton part no. 414730 |
130 |
OBSOLETE BURNER GASKET Potterton part no. 236120 |
135 |
OBSOLETE GASKET SIGHT GLASS. Potterton part no. 236653 |
136 |
OBSOLETE SCREW M5 X 6 PAN HD POZI Potterton part no. 670204 |
137 |
OBSOLETE IGNITOR RETAINER Potterton part no. 236138 |
138 |
NOW USE 5100619 IGNITOR NORTON Potterton part no. 407728 |
138 |
IGNITOR Potterton part no. 5100619 |
£64.47 |
139 |
IGNITOR GASKET Potterton part no. 236228 |
£3.16 |
140 |
SCREW M3 X 8MM TAPTITE Potterton part no. 607939 |
£3.12 |
141 |
NOW USE 407785 FLAME DETECTOR Potterton part no. 407729 |
141 |
NOW USE 236643POT FLAME DETECTOR LEAD ASSY. Potterton part no. 236643 |
141 |
FLAME DETECTOR Potterton part no. 407785 |
£8.97 |
141 |
FLAME DETECTOR LEAD ASSY. Potterton part no. 236643POT |
£4.98 |
142 |
OBSOLETE GRATE ASSEMBLY Potterton part no. 236229 |
143 |
OBSOLETE WING NUT SCREW Potterton part no. 635910 |
144 |
OBSOLETE WASHER SPRING M5 S Potterton part no. 670159 |
145 |
NOW USE 409592 FAN COMPLETE WITH O RING Potterton part no. 409585 |
145 |
NOW USE 409592 FAN COMPLETE WITH O-RING Potterton part no. 409584 |
145 |
FAN (SOFT MOUNT WITH O-RING) Potterton part no. 409592 |
£383.26 |
146 |
FAN OUTLET GASKET Potterton part no. 236253 |
£4.98 |
147 |
SCREW M6 X 8 PZ MS NK PLT Potterton part no. 670202 |
£2.89 |
148 |
OBSOLETE GAS MIX/G.TUBE ASY.ENV 60 Potterton part no. 236669 |
148 |
OBSOLETE GAS MIX/G.TUBE ASY.ENV 80 Potterton part no. 236670 |
148 |
OBSOLETE GAS MIX/G.TUBE ASY.ENV 50 Potterton part no. 236668 |
148 |
OBSOLETE KIT-BURNER-PILOT-BOSTON 2 Potterton part no. 236667 |
148 |
OBSOLETE KIT-BEZEL-BOSTON 2 Potterton part no. 236666 |
149 |
NUT M5 FULL BRASS Potterton part no. 635506 |
150 |
OBSOLETE PRESSURE TAPPING Potterton part no. 236335 |
151 |
OBSOLETE O RING Potterton part no. 409586 |
155 |
OBSOLETE TRIM BOTTOM CANOPY Potterton part no. 236047 |
156 |
OBSOLETE INJECTOR Potterton part no. 411009 |
156 |
OBSOLETE INJECTOR Potterton part no. 411007 |
156 |
OBSOLETE INJECTOR Potterton part no. 411008 |
156 |
OBSOLETE INJECTOR Potterton part no. 411010 |
156 |
OBSOLETE INJECTOR Potterton part no. 411014 |
157 |
OBSOLETE MANIFOLD GASKET Potterton part no. 236248 |
158 |
OBSOLETE GAS VALVE PLATE ASSEMBLY Potterton part no. 930113 |
159 |
OBSOLETE TAPPING.SCRW D:4.2-13 Potterton part no. 236460 |
160 |
OBSOLETE GAS VALVE PLT.GASKET HALF Potterton part no. 236461 |
161 |
O-RING SEAL Potterton part no. 401638 |
£6.12 |
162 |
SHEAR OFF UNION 4MM Potterton part no. 402933 |
£4.03 |
163 |
SHEAR OFF UNION 6MM SIT Potterton part no. 402862 |
£3.78 |
164 |
OBSOLETE INSTRUCTIONS USERS Potterton part no. 236217 |
165 |
OBSOLETE SLEEVE ELECTRODE 405MM Potterton part no. 236218 |
167 |
OBSOLETE GAS VALVE SECURING BRKT. Potterton part no. 236192 |
168 |
OBSOLETE SILICONE TUBE Potterton part no. 236251 |
169 |
SCREW M5X10.PAN.POZ.BLACK Potterton part no. 633988 |
£2.52 |
170 |
O RING SEAL Potterton part no. 401649 |
£2.36 |
171 |
OBSOLETE FLANGED GAS COCK Potterton part no. 629883 |
173 |
OBSOLETE GAS ARRANGEMENT 60 NG Potterton part no. 930106 |
173 |
OBSOLETE GAS ARRANGEMENT 40 NG Potterton part no. 930104POT |
173 |
GAS ARRANGEMENT 50 NG Potterton part no. 930105 |
£276.65 |
173 |
GAS ARRANGEMENT 80 NG Potterton part no. 930107 |
£338.65 |
173 |
OBSOLETE GAS ARRANGEMENT 30NG Potterton part no. 930103 |
174 |
OBSOLETE OPERATOR SOL Potterton part no. 907400 |